
Partners will carry out primary and secondary research to identify trends, challenges and opportunities for SMEs to adapt smart working methodologies and adopt smart working solutions in their operations as a response to restrictive measures imposed by COVID-19.

Following the criteria of “concrete solutions for concrete needs”, partners will take into account as main source of knowledge study sectors, reports, business qualitive/quantitative analysis, surveys and interviews etc; to make sure that the toolkit that will be elaborated and developed will have robust underpinnings and responds to expectations and needs of the target.

Partners will also identify digital tools, lessons learned, policy measures, gaps and failures of existing training, critical success and/or failure factors for smart working for SMEs.

The SWIFT SME Mapping will outline real and perceived learning needs, through a series of qualitative and quantitative data and information.

The mapping activity represents the backbone of the SWIFT SME project as it identifies and defines the types of experiences, problems, needs and dynamics of the phenomenon among the selected target.

Executive Summary       EU and National Reports       Survey Results