
ICT tools for digitalisation and Smart Working for SMEs

Objectives & Goals
Business management ICT tools

ICTs in businesses

Current technological development of present-day enterprises has reached an unprecedented level, to the point that, nowadays, it is almost unthinkable to have a business not benefitted from what ICT tools bring in. Therefore, it is necessary to know the chances that the Internet brings in order to manage and boost our business.

Business management is complex, requiring organisation and communication between all participants in a project, which can be difficult at times in a remote working environment, where several issues might arise. ICT offers a much-needed help in difficult management scenarios, so many tasks can become automatised or facilitated in order to improve working conditions and effectiveness.




These tools provide countless options and functionalities, in order to be accessible and adapt to several business profiles. However, since each business has different needs, research and experimentation in order to find the ones that fit your business the best, are encouraged.




Business management ICT tools for remote working

Business management ICT tools include any


-that enables a follow-up and management of activities, resources, tasks and projects of our business. Good management produces better performance, swiftness and effectiveness in our results, hence its importance.


These tools offer a wide range of options, whether on free, paid and premium services, both for large-sized companies and SMEs.
The best ICT tools and services for business management within a remote work context are listed below:


  • CRM : A CRM (which stands for “Customer Relationship Management”) is a service that allows its users to centralise all interactions between an enterprise and its clients in only one database. In this way, customer acquisition campaigns, commercial actions and tasks alike can be easily managed. A CRM is a great ally regarding customer and after-sale services.



Among the most-used CRM software we can find:




  • Management and team tools: A correct task distribution is key when it comes to business management, since it improves workers’ performance. In order to guarantee it, there are some ICT tools that can help project planning.



  • Others: As we mentioned before, there is a whole array of ICT tools that can improve business management, so many, it would be nearly impossible to name all of them in a list. Some of the most useful ones can be found below:



There are platforms that encompass all these functions within the same software. Even though a specific platform for each task would be optimal, these centralised programs are still a great option for SMEs.



Communication and collaboration tools for remote working

Team management

A good team organisation is one of the most important factors to achieve commercial success. All workers must be united and in constant communication to perform all daily tasks in an effective and synchronised way.
There are several platforms to help us in this aspect, in a way they can boost communication and collaboration in a simple manner via software. Among the better-known work resources, we can find:



Tips to improve digital communication while working remotely

Digital communication tips for SMEs


Remote Working, Smart Working, ICT Tools, SMEs


In this course, you will learn about many of the most important ICT tools used by both large companies and SMEs. This includes different platform options for business management, communication and collaboration tools and tips to foster digital communication, so you can make the most of what technology and your team can offer.


Current businesses have recently experimented an impressive technological development, boosting their productivity and efficiency as a result of the countless opportunities the digital world has to offer.This course offers free, professional training with the aim of making your business an up-to-date and digitally effective one, through the use of different software, platform and apps related to management and business communication.


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